Tag Archive for: Environment and Climate
Navigating Murky Waters: Challenges and Approaches for Conservation Planning of Freshwater Ecosystems of India
/in Books, Book Chapters and Monographs/by WordlabThe Utility of Weather and Climate Information for Adaptation Decision-making: Current Uses and Future Prospects in Africa and India
/in Paper/by WordlabChandni Singh, , Joseph Daron, Amir Bashir Bazaz, Gina Ziervogel, Dian Spear, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Modathir Zaroug and Evans Kituyi
Barriers and Enablers to Climate Adaptation: Evidence from Rural and Urban Areas in India
/in Paper/by WordlabDimensions of Vulnerability in Rural and Urban Areas: A Case of Migrants in Karnataka
/in Paper/by WordlabBuilding Urban Science to Achieve the New Urban Agenda
/in Paper/by WordlabTimon McPhearson, Sue Parnell, David Simon, Thomas Elmqvist, Xuemei Bai, Owen Gaffney, Debra Roberts, Aromar Revi