Tag Archive for: Environment and Climate

Engineered Artificial Flooding: More Questions than Answers

Paul Humphries, Saideepa Kumar, Philip S Lake

Climate Change and its Impacts on Forests of Sikkim

N.H.Ravindranath, Nitasha Sharma, Anitha Sagadevan, Mathangi Jayaraman, Madhushree Munsi

Poverty Index as a Tool for Adaptation Intervention to Climate Change in Northeast India

Malini Nair, N. H. Ravindranath, Nitasha Sharma, Ruth Kattumuri and Madhushree Munshi

Implications of Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Flows and Forest Dependent Communities in the Western Ghats, India

Indu K Murthy, Savithri Bhat, Vani Sathyanarayan, Sridhar Patgar, Beerappa M, PR Bhat, DM Bhat, Ranjith Gopalakrishnan, Mathangi Jayaraman, Madhushree Munsi, Ravindranath NH, Khalid MA, Prashant M, Sudha Iyer and Raghuvansh Saxena

Pattern Space Analysis of Landscape Metrics for Detecting Changes in Forests of Himalayan Foothills

Aniruddha Ghosh, Madhushree Munshi, G Areendran, P K Joshi

Effect of Climate Change on Invasion Risk of Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica Férussac, 1821: Achatinidae) in India

Roshmi Rekha Sarma, Madhushree Munsi, Aravind Neelavra Ananthram

Modeling Spatio-temporal Change Patterns of Forest Cover: A Case Study from the Himalayan Foothills (India)

Madhushree Munsi, G. Areendran, P. K. Joshi

Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems in India

Indu K Murthy, Mohini Gupta, Sonam Tomar, Madhushree Munsi, Rakesh Tiwari, GT Hegde and Ravindranath NH

Deforestation and Forest Degradation in India – Implications for REDD

N. H. Ravindranath, Nalin Srivastava, Indu K. Murthy, Sumedha Malaviya, Madhushree Munsi and Nitasha Sharma