• Understanding Drivers of Urban Expansion: Case Studies of Three Indian Cities

  • India’s Cultural and Creative Economy: New Imaginations and Emerging Practices

  • Sustainable Urban Water And Sanitation In India: Review Of A National Programme

This section contains papers authored by IIHS faculty, associates and staff. Browse using the right and left arrows to scroll through the papers. If you’d like to search by theme, click on the Keywords on the right hand side. You could also use the Search function if you know the name of the author or the paper.

Determining Hotspots of Gaseous Criteria Air Pollutants in Delhi Airshed and its Association with Stubble Burning

Asfa Siddiqui, Hareef baba shaeb Kannemadugu, Prakash Chauhan, R. P. Singh

Defining Severe Risks Related to Mobility from Climate Change

Elisabeth A. Gilmore, David Wrathall, Helen Adams, Halvard Buhaug, Edwin Castellanos, Nathalie Hilmi, Robert McLeman, Chandni Singh, Ibidun Adelekan

Research Priorities for Climate Mobility

Nicholas P. Simpson, Katharine J. Mach, Mark G.L. Tebboth, Elisabeth A. Gilmore, A.R. Siders, Petra Holden, Brile´ Anderson, Chandni Singh, Salma Sabour, Lindsay C. Stringer, Harald Sterly, Portia Adade Williams, Andreas L.S. Meyer, Georgina Cundill, Sarah Rosengaertner, Abdimajid Nunow, Kamal Amakrane, Christopher H. Trisos

Do Home Gardens Regulate Indoor Temperature? A Pilot Study in Bengaluru, India

Swarnika Sharma, Chandni Singh, Sheetal Patil

Inclusive Sanitation: Challenges in Service Delivery to urban poor

Sugantha Priscilla, Niladra Chakraborti,  Monissha Manivannan

Pilot Interventions on Gaseous Emission Control During Septage Emptying Operations

Jeevan Raj, Niladri Chakraborti, Yohananthan S, Kanmani Raja

Co-Composting of Dried Faecal Sludge with Municipal Solid Waste

Sasikumar Eswaramurthy, Vinitha Murukesan, Sakthi Balasubramani, Senthil Kumar Govindaraj

FSSM Monitoring and Decision Making Through IT and IoTs

Sasikumar Eswaramurthy, Senthilkumar Govindaraj, Prithivi Mohan, Santhosh Ragavan

Investing in Smart Cities: Enhancing Public Libraries for Quality Services in India

Sheshagiri Kulkarni, M. Dhanamjaya, Preedip Balaji

Collaborative Action for Urban WASH: Learnings and Reflections from Tamil Nadu

Abhilaasha N, Donata Mary Rodrigues, Niladri Chakraborti, Stanley Joseph, Mohanasundaram K

We Speak Too: Foregrounding the Voices of Sanitation Workers in India

Kavita Wankhade, Abhilaasha N, Arka Sinha Roy, Kabir Arora, Haris Najib, Nikita Patil