The Role of Private Sector for Reducing Disaster Risk in Large Scale Infrastructure and Real Estate Development: Case of Delhi

Garima Jain

Urban India 2015: Evidence

Lead Authors: Arindam Jana, Teja Malladi & Editor: Aromar Revi

Power to the People? A Study of Bangalore’s Urban Task Forces

Neha Sami

Contested Developments: Enduring Legacies and Emergent Political Actors in Contemporary Urban India

Liza Weinstein, Neha Sami, Gavin Shatkin

Confronting the Challenges and Opportunities of Indian Urbanisation: Insights from the 2011 India Urban Conference

Kavita Wankhade, H. S. Sudhira

Integrated Urban Water Management: Initiating the Next Wave

Geetika Anand, Rajiv K. Raman