Leadership for Disaster Resilience: Learning from the Current Practices in India

Lead Authors: Jacquleen Joseph, Garima Jain, Suchita Awasthi, Theimneizho Gangte, Sriram A, Gargi Sen, Teja Malladi, Vineetha Nalla | Contributing Authors: Zubin Mulla, Mohammed Irshad, Debasmita Majumder, Soumitra Peshave, Girinathreddy Munagala, Swati Pillai, G. Dhanapal, Asma N, Nishtha Vadehra

Summary for Urban Policymakers – What the IPCC Special Report on 1.5C Means for Cities

Amir Bazaz, Paolo Bertoldi, Marcos Buckeridge, Anton Cartwright, Heleen de Coninck, Francois Engelbrecht, Daniela Jacob, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Ian Klaus, Kiane de Kleijne, Shauib Lwasa, Claire Markgraf, Peter Newman, Aromar Revi, Joeri Rogelj, Seth Schultz, Drew Shindell, Chandni Singh, William Solecki, Linda Steg, Henri Waisman

Translating Global Vision into Local Reality: Building the Right Knowledge and Policy Infrastructure to Support Local Sustainable Development

Jessica Espey, Aromar Revi

Localising SDGs for India: Setting the Urban Context

Garima Jain, Aromar Revi, Jyothi Koduganti, Ana Abbas

Conducting Life History Interviews: A How-to Guide

Julia Davies, Chandni Singh, Mark Tebboth, Dian Spear, Adelina Mensah, Prince Ansah

Livelihood Vulnerability and Adaptation in Kolar District, Karnataka, India: Mapping Risks and Responses

Chandni Singh, Ritwika Basu, Arjun Srinivas

Key Findings from ASSAR’S Regional Diagnostic Study and Initial Research: Bangalore Sub-Region, Karnataka, Information Brief

Thinking critically about the future of water security in Bengaluru, India using Transformative Scenario Planning

Prathijna Poonacha, Maitreyi Koduganti

Model Request for Proposal for Design, Construction, and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of an Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP)