Customized Performance Evaluation Approach for Indian Green Buildings

Rajat Gupta, Matt Gregg, Sanyogita Manu, Prasad Vaidya, Maaz Dixit

Research Productivity Analysis of NIRF Ranking Universities: A Study

Mahalakshmi K R, Vinay M S, Spandana R L

Land Reforms, Land Markets and Urban Transformation: Identifying Some Long Run Impacts of Land Reforms from Kerala, India

Nirmal Roy V P

Barriers and Enablers of Local Adaptive Measures: A Case Study of Bengaluru’s Informal Settlement Dwellers

Tanvi Deshpande, Kavya Michael, Karthik Bhaskara

When the Pits Fill up: (in)visible Flows of Waste in Urban India

C. S. Sharada Prasad, Isha Ray

Science and the Future of Cities: Report on the Global State of the Urban Science-Policy Interface

Michele Acuto, Karen Seto, Susan Parnell, Monica Contestabile, Adriana Allen, Sahar Attia, Xuemei Bai, Michael Batty, Luís Bettencourt, Eugenie Birch, Harriet Bulkeley, Maruxa Cardama, Charles Ebikeme, Thomas Elmqvist, Yassar Elsheshtawy, Ilona Kickbusch, Shuaib Lwasa, Julie McCann, Patricia McCarney, Timon McPhearson, Sheila Patel, Mark Pelling, Aromar Revi, Robert Sampson, David Satterthwaite, Richard Sennett, Nick Tyler, Yongguan Zhu