Tag Archive for: Environment and Climate
Developing a Holistic Approach to the Analysis of Farmer Decision-making: Implications for Adaptation Policy and Practice in Developing Countries
/in Paper/by WordlabPoverty Index as a Tool for Adaptation Intervention to Climate Change in Northeast India
/in Paper/by WordlabImplications of Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Flows and Forest Dependent Communities in the Western Ghats, India
/in Paper/by WordlabIndu K Murthy, Savithri Bhat, Vani Sathyanarayan, Sridhar Patgar, Beerappa M, PR Bhat, DM Bhat, Ranjith Gopalakrishnan, Mathangi Jayaraman, Madhushree Munsi, Ravindranath NH, Khalid MA, Prashant M, Sudha Iyer and Raghuvansh Saxena