How Do We Assess Vulnerability to Climate Change in India? A Systematic Review of Literature

Chandni Singh , Tanvi Deshpande and Ritwika Basu

Developing a Holistic Approach to the Analysis of Farmer Decision-making: Implications for Adaptation Policy and Practice in Developing Countries

Chandni Singh, Peter Dorward and Henny Osbahr

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Amlanjyoti Goswami, Deepika Jha

Universal Food Security Program and Nutritional Intake: Evidence from the Hunger Prone KBK Districts in Odisha

Andaleeb Rahman

‘GeoSlum’-Empowering Local Authorities for Slum Improvement Through an Opensource Geospatial Platform

Ravi Chopra, Sivakumar D.K, Rajat Chopra

Engineered Artificial Flooding: More Questions than Answers

Paul Humphries, Saideepa Kumar, Philip S Lake

Integrated Modeling Framework to Evaluate Conjunctive Use Options in a Canal Irrigated Area

Saideepa Kumar, Paul Pavelic, Biju A. George, Nawarathna

Integrating Cost and Benefit Considerations with Supply- and Demand-based Strategies for Basin-Scale Groundwater Management in South-West India

Saideepa Kumar, Surinaidu Lagudu, Paul Pavelic, and B. Davidson