About IIHS
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But we are proud to say that IIHS contributed 766 entries already.
Entries by IIHS
Municipal Building Rules: Suggested Changes
/in Reports/by IIHSTNUSSP
Summary Report of Trainings on FSM: TNUSSP Phase I
/in Reports/by IIHSTNUSSP
Approaches and Methods of Land Title Legislation in India
/in Books, Book Chapters and Monographs/by IIHSAmlanjyoti Goswami, Deepika Jha, Kaye Lushington
IIHS Rough Writing Guides
/in Reports/by IIHSArchita Suryanarayan, Nishtha Vadehra, Rekha Raghunathan
Handbook of Style and Usage
/in Reports/by IIHSNishtha Vadehra
A Method for Urban Population Density Prediction at 30m Resolution
/in Paper/by IIHSKrishnachandran Balakrishnan
Solar Decathlon India: Future-Ready and Future Proof Buildings
/in Paper/by IIHSPrasad Vaidya , Jaydeep Bhadra