Invasion of Natural Grasslands by Exotic Trees Increases Flood Risks in Mountainous Landscapes in South India

Rajat Ramakant Nayaka, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Srinivas Vaidyanathana, Nick A Chappell, Ravinder Singh Bhallaa

The Policy Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysing Implications for Indigenous Peoples in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

Harpreet Kaur

Evaluation and Conversion of Temple Waste Flowers into Incense Sticks in Tumakuru District of Karnataka, India

Kiran Dasalukunte Ananda, Kavitha Halappa

Indian Municipal Finance: An Update

Mithlesh Verma, Amir Bazaz, Manish Dubey

Representing COVID-19 Impacts and Responses on Indigenous People: A Multilingual Media Review in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India

Harpreet Kaur, Jasmitha Aravind, Chandni Singh, Sreya Ajay, Prathigna Poonacha

Species Traits Help Explain Butterfly Habitat Use in a Tropical Forest

Ravi Jambhekar, Don A. Driscoll

Real Estate Regulation in India: Select State Profiles

Deepika Jha, Manish Dubey, Tsomo Wangchuk

Decarbonising Public Transport in India: An Issue Brief

Amir Bazaz, Manish Dubey, Satish Yawale, Ketaki Ghoge