Anuradha Kumar

External Consultant | akumar at iihs dot ac dot in

1998    BCom Jyothi Nivas College Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Countries: India

States: Karnataka

Cities: Bengaluru

Languages: English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil

Anuradha Kumar earned her bachelor’s degree from Jyothi Nivas College in Bangalore. She worked as an English trainer and was also involved in proofreading and editing content. She has also helped in the coordination for social audits.


At IIHS, her work mainly involves undertaking outreach activities for UPP courses by reaching out to government departments, nodal agencies, state institutions and others for registration to courses and ensure participation of the nominated officials, supporting the design and delivery of courses, maintaining and analysing information pertaining to registration, feedback, training needs assessment and report preparation, and maintenance of UPP learner database.