IIHS entered into a 3-year MoU with the Department of Housing, Government of Karnataka for capacity building and policy advisory services. The Department of Housing is an independent department within the Government of Karnataka which is responsible for public housing for socially and economically weaker sections of society in urban and rural areas in Karnataka. The Department of Housing implements its own programmes and is also responsible for the implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the areas of urban and rural housing. The capacity building programme resulted in the identification of state specific challenges.
IIHS proceeded to assist the Government of Karnataka in formulating the ‘Karnataka Affordable Housing Policy 2016’ and the ‘Karnataka Slum Areas Development Policy 2016’ for urban areas. The policies were prepared based on extensive research of detailed surveys that analysed the housing condition in urban areas of the state, as well as a critical analysis of the prevailing affordable housing policy. A diversified approach formed the basis of the solutions suggested to resolve the issue of inadequate housing in the state’s urban areas. In parallel, a convergent approach was adopted towards slum development. Both policies were gazetted after due cabinet approval in May 2016.