Wilson Prabhakaran

Senior Manager – Administration | wilson dot prabhakaran at iihs dot ac dot in

2006    PGD, Business Management All India Management Association (AIMA) Delhi NCR, India
2000    BCom University of Delhi Delhi NCR, India



Countries: India
States: Delhi
Cities: Delhi
Languages: English, Hindi, Malayalam

Wilson Prabhakaran has over 16 years of experience in liaising with various government ministries, institutions and government departments.


He began his career with the United States Educational Foundation (USIEF) in India, assisting various student exchange and scholarship programmes, and liaising with the US embassy in New Delhi. He then worked with Mitsubishi Corporation Ltd where he supported travel arrangements for expats. His responsibilities included passport renewals, visa extensions and customs clearance.


At IIHS, Wilson is responsible for the overall administration of the Delhi office. He helps organise seminars and workshops, and supports the IIHS UPP by liaising with various entities such as Ministry of Urban Development, HUPA, Home Ministry, UNDP, Planning Commission and HUDCO.