Simi John

External Consultant | sjohn at iihs dot ac dot in

2013    BTech, Civil Engineering Mar Athanasius College of Engineering Kothamangalam, Kerala, India


Countries: India
States: Kerala, Karnataka
Cities: Kozhikode, Bengaluru
Languages: English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil

Simi John is from Kozhikode, Kerala. After doing her BTech, she worked as a project fellow at the Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode. She was part of the project, ‘Drip fertigation package for higher productivity in black pepper’. Along with that, she has been working on different research projects such as drought analysis using DRINC, crop water analysis with CROPWAT, and wetting pattern analysis with HYDRUS 2D and 3D.


At IIHS, Simi is a part of the sustainable agriculture programme and the solid waste management team. She has been monitoring and documenting the composting unit and other activities related to sustainable urban agriculture in the IIHS Campus, Kengeri. She is also part of the Urban Fellowship Programme, where she supports the Core Curriculum’s Grow, Cook, Eat module. She is monitoring the hydroponics system in the Campus.


  • Grow, Cook and Eat, Food, Agriculture, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS