Ravi Jambhekar

Consultant – Academics and Research | rjambhekar at iihs dot ac dot in


2019    PhD, Animal Behaviour, Community Ecology, Landscape Ecology Indian Institute of Science

             Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
2011    MSc, Environmental Science University of Pune Pune, Maharashtra, India
2009    BSc, Zoology D.G. Ruparel College, University of Mumbai Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Countries: India
States: Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa
Cities: Mumbai, Bangalore
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi

Ravi Jambhekar is a landscape ecologist and urban ecologist who focuses on plant–animal interactions, community ecology and animal behaviour. After completing his PhD in Ecology, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow with Azim Premji University, with an emphasis on the impact of urbanisation on birds and documenting long-term trends in bird populations in Bengaluru.


His current work focuses on documenting biodiversity and designing long-term monitoring schemes for the upcoming IIHS Campus, Kengeri. He uses art, illustrations and popular science to communicate the research that he does to the general public.


  • Urban Biodiversity, Ecology, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS

Journal Article

  • Jambhekar, R., & Driscoll, D. A. (2022). Species traits help explain butterfly habitat use in a tropical forest. Ecological Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1111/een.13215
  • Jambhekar, R., & Isvaran, K. (2022). Habitat specialisation and matrix resistance predict responses of butterfly populations to landscape features in tropical grassland–forest complexes. Oecologia, 199, 513-525. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05144-5
  • Jambhekar, R. (2021). Relationship between lake area and distance from the city centre on lake-dependent resident and migratory birds in urban Bangalore, a tropical mega-city in Southern India. Journal of Urban Ecology, 7(1), Article juab028. https://doi.org/10.1093/jue/juab028
  • Jambhekar, R. (2021). How fire interacts with habitat loss and fragmentation. Biological Reviews, 96(3), 976-998. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12687
  • Jambhekar, R. (2021). Which traits influence bird survival in the city? A Review. Land, 10(2), Article 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10020092
  • Jambhekar, R. (2020). On the inadequacy of environment impact assessments for projects in Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park of Goa, India: a peer review. Journal of Threatened TAXA, 12(18). https://doi.org/10.11609/jott.6650.12.18.17387-17454
  • Jambhekar, R. (2020). Foraging in nature: Contrasting responses to resource heterogeneity at small and large spatial scales. Biotropica, 53(1). https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.12870
  • Jambhekar, R. (2016). Impact of the Invasive weed lantana camara (Verbenaceae) on butterfly behaviour and habitat use in a tropical forest in India. Journal of the Lepidopterist Society, 70(4), 302-310. https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.70i4.a9


Books & Book Chapter

  • Raj, R.S.R., Madhavan, A. P., Raman, T. R. S., Mudappa, D., Varghese, A., & Hiremath, A. J. (2023). Guests who never left: Common invasive alien plants of peninsular India (R. Jambhekar, Illus.). Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore, and Biodiversity Collaborative.
  • Mangrulkar, A., Bakhale, G., Krishnaswamy, J., Deshpande, K., Kulkarni, M., Khare, N. A., Jambhekar, R., Satish, R., & Atri, S.R. (2024). In A. Revi, J. Krishnaswamy, R. Mehrotra, & S. Prakash (Eds.), Natural history of IIHS campus: A future of urban biodiversity. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.


Public Intellectual Writing

  • Jambhekar, R. (2021). The private lives of butterflies. JLR Explore. https://jlrexplore.com/explore/on-assignment/the-private-lives-of-butterflies
  • Jambhekar, R. (2020). Butterflies in the grasslands and forests of the Western Ghats. JLR Explore. https://jlrexplore.com/explore/from-the-field/butterflies-in-the-grasslands-and-forests-of-the-western-ghats
  • Jambhekar, R. (2019). A mud puddling puzzle: How butterflies avoid predators. Current Conservation. https://www.currentconservation.org/a-mudpuddling-puzzle-how-butterfies-avoid-predators/
  • Jambhekar, R. (2018). Leaf a good impression. Nature in Focus. https://www.natureinfocus.in/animals/leaf-a-good-impression
  • Jambhekar, R. (2017). Singing with the magpies. Nature in Focus. https://www.natureinfocus.in/field-notes/singing-with-the-magpies
  • 2021 Art, Conservation and experiences from the field.
  • 2019  The Influence of Landscape Composition on Butterfly Populations. Rufford’s India              Conference, Uttarakhand, India.
  • 2018 The Influence of Landscape Composition and Resource Distribution on Butterfly Populations in Human-Dominated Tropical Grassland-Forest Landscapes. Rufford’s India Conference, Goa, India.
  • 2018 Butterfly communities in patchy landscape: taking a behavioural and functional approach. International Society for Behavioural Ecology (ISBE), University of Minnesota, USA.
  • 2017 The Influence of Resource Heterogeneity at Small and Large Spatial Scales on Butterfly Behaviour. Behaviour 2017, Estoril, Portugal.
  • 2016 Impact of Invasive Weed on Butterfly Behaviour, ISBE, University of Exeter, UK.
  • 2014 Mixed-Species Assemblages in puddling Butterflies: Phenotypic and Phylogenetic Similarities.  International Society for Behavioural Ecology (ISBE), NYC, USA.

Research Projects at IIHS

Period (2022-Ongoing)Biodiversity monitoring at the Long-Term Urban Ecological Observatory
2022Ecological monitoring


Practice Projects at IIHS

Jan 2021-Dec 2021Institution: Seed2Sapling Education
Aug 2018 – Jan 2019Experiments in Ecology, Institution: Indian Institute of Science