Radhika R Kamat

Senior Associate - Administration | radhika dot kamat at iihs dot ac dot in


2008    BSc, Biotechnology Dhempe college of Arts and Science Panaji, Goa, India
2010    MSc, Biotechnology Acharya Bachelor B School Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Countries: India
States: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra
Cities: Bangalore, Mumbai, Panjim, Margao
Languages: English, Hindi, Konkani, Kannada

Radhika Kamat’s work experience in office administration ranges from front office management and travel coordination to organising meetings and events. Prior to IIHS, she worked at Breakbounce India Pvt. Ltd. At IIHS, Radhika manages the front office, assists at various events and meetings, coordinates ground transport and maintains the institutional calendar.