Prasad Vaidya

Senior Advisor | pvaidya at iihs dot ac dot in


1995    MArch University of Minnesota Minneapolis, United States of America
1990    BArch University of Mumbai Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Countries: USA, India, South Korea, UAE
States: All relevant states
Cities: All relevant cities
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi

Prasad Vaidya leads the Solar Decathlon India and the Sustainable Energy Lab at IIHS. He focuses on the interdisciplinary area of sustainable energy and buildings, including practice, research and teaching. He also provides oversight and assistance to the planning, design, and execution of energy systems, efficiency and net-carbon neutrality for the IIHS Kengeri campus. Prasad Vaidya is a LEED Fellow and has worked in the area of environmental sustainability for over 30 years. His experience includes energy policy, energy efficiency programme development, and net-zero energy building projects in the United States of America, India, UAE, and South Korea.


Prasad was Professor and Area Chair for Building Energy Performance at CEPT University in India, where he established the MTech in Building Energy Performance programme. He taught graduate-level courses on building science, passive design, HVAC analysis, electric lighting and daylighting, whole building energy simulation, environmental impact of buildings, communication for energy efficiency business, and integrated design for net-zero energy buildings. He coached students on public speaking, presentation, and job-interviewing skills. At CEPT, he also mentored student teams for the US Department of Energy’s Race to Zero and Solar Decathlon Competition. He has taught graduate-level courses on sustainability and daylighting at the University of Minnesota, and continuing education courses as ASHRAE and USGBC faculty.


As a partner at The Weidt Group, he worked on the energy efficiency of over 150 buildings including net-zero energy buildings. In India, he has worked on policy-level implementation of the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC). He led the development of ECOnirman Whole Building Performance, an online energy simulation tool for ECBC compliance. His work in India also includes design and construction experience in passive solar design at building and urban planning scales, use of low embodied energy materials and appropriate construction technologies. He has been a member of the Technical Resources Group for the Clinton Climate Initiative.


Prasad co-authored Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building, published by John Wiley and Sons, which is widely used as a textbook in undergraduate programmes. He is on the board of advisors for multiple academic institutions.


  • Decarbonising the City, Faculty Development Programme, Multiple Disciplines, SDI, UFP, BDP, UPP, IIHS

Journal Articles:

  • Hollannavar, P. S., & Vaidya, P. (2023). Towards Net Zero buildings: Driving innovation and scale with Solar Decathlon India 2023. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal, 26(4), 57-63.
  • Vaidya, P., & Royan, M. (2020). Construction, validation and testing of a water table for natural ventilation analysis. Energy and Buildings, 226(1).
  • Vaidya, P., & Bhadra, J. (2020). Solar decathlon India: Future-ready and future proof buildings. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal, 23(2), 34-37.
  • Gupta, R., Gregg, M., Manu, S., Vaidya, P., & Dixit, M. (2019). Customized performance evaluation approach for Indian green buildings. Building Research & Information, 47(1), 56-74.
  • Vaidya, P., Greden, L., Eijadi, D., McDougall, T., & Cole, R. (2009). Integrated cost-estimation methodology to support high-performance building design. Energy Efficiency, 2(1), 69-85.


Book/ Book chapters:

  • Keeler, M., & Vaidya, P. (2016). Fundamentals of integrated design for sustainable building (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Other Writing:


Public Intellectual Writing

  • Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., & Prakash, S. (2023, November). Futureproofing with passive buildings: is it cost-effective and is it thermally adequate?. Paper presented at the International conference on Energise 2023: Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency and Climate Action, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
  • Barathi, S., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Gopikrishna, A, Dalavai, U., & Tandon, V. (2023, November). A control sequence for prioritising ceiling fan operation over air conditioners using machine learning to determine thermal comfort. Paper presented at the International conference on Energise 2023: Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency and Climate Action, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
  • Jayaram, S., Parekh, D., Vaidya, P., Jain, Y., & Bhadra, J. (2023, November). An educational framework for a net zero future. Paper presented at the International conference on Energise 2023: Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency and Climate Action, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
  • Vakil, G., Sreejith, J., Jaydeep, B., Yashima, J., Vaidya, P., Paralkar, V., & Matthew, D. (2023). Energy Use Intensity benchmarks for mixed mode operation of net-zero energy buildings in India. In 18th IBPSA International Conference and Exhibition, Building Simulation 2023. Tongji University; Tsinghua University.
  • Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Mundhe, P., & Maskarenj, M. (2022). Luminance measurements using smartphone cameras. In FARU 2022: 15th International Research Conference. University of Moratuva.
  • Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Singh, G., & Prakash, S. (2022). Calibrated model of an experimental building to test passive thermal comfort solutions for the Global South. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • Venkatesh, J., Vaidya, P., Thounaojam, A., Prakash, S., Chandra, A., Paralkar, V., & Jain, Y. (2022). Finishing with net-zero: A case study of the energy systems in an experimental building. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • Jain, Y., Vaidya, P., Chandra, A., Gopikrishna, A., Uthej, D., & Paralkar, V. (2022). A demand response (DR) implementation case study for islanding of a building. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • De, A., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Sinha, D., Raveendran, S., Gopikrishna, & Dalavai, U. (2022). Implementing at-scale adaptive thermal comfort controls for mixed mode building using machine learning. In FARU 2022: 15th International Research Conference. University of Moratuva.
  • Das, N., Elangovan, R., Chani, P., Kansal, A., Garg, T., Kumar, S., & Vaidya, P. (2022). Comparative evaluation of thermal performance and energy conservation of residential buildings in cold climate of India. In PLEA 2022: Will cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency. Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
  • Miriyala, Y., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., & Mangrulkar, A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for LCA in India for innovative technologies. In PLEA 2022: Will cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency. Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
  • Bhadra, J., Jain, Y., Venkatesh, J., & Vaidya, P. (2021, June 7-11). Unscrewing the climate change lightbulb with 5,000 net-zero-energy professionals. In T. L. Lindström, Y. Blume & N. Hampus (Eds.), ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings (pp. 153-162). ECEEE.
  • Royan M., & Vaidya, P., Mundhe, P. (2018). Teaching natural ventilation using water table apparatus a classroom teaching, simulation and design tool. In Proceedings of PLEA (pp. 3890-3897). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Desai, A., & Vaidya, P. (2018). Quantifying the reduction in cooling energy due to passive cooling techniques for Indian cities. In Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild (pp. 462-469) Chicago, IL: ASHRAE – IBPSA.
  • Dixit, M., Gupta, R., Gregg, M., Manu, S., & Vaidya, P. (2018). Developing and testing a BPE approach for green buildings in India. In Proceedings of the International SEEDS Conference (pp. 549 – 558). Dublin, Ireland: Dublin Institute of Technology.
  • Parikh, M., & Vaidya, P. (2018). Assessing the energy savings and payback period for various levels of compliance with Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) -2017. In Proceedings of PLEA (pp. 1046-1047). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Pooja, M., Damle, R. M., Vaidya, P., & Apte, M. G. (2018). Quantification of airflow pattern in a naturally ventilated building simulated in a water table apparatus. In Proceedings of PLEA (pp. 19-24). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Sunger, V., Vaidya, P., & Dharini, S. K. (2018). Evaluation of daylight performance of a University workshop building in India. In Proceedings of PLEA (pp. 1062-1064). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Bhadra, J., Vaidya, P., & Sarraf, S. (2017). Passive design indices: Quantification of climatic potential for passive cooling strategies. In Proceedings of INSPIRE (pp. 26-33). New Delhi: Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).
  • Bhadra, J., Vaidya, P., & Sarraf, S. (2017). Passive design indices: Quantifying the potential of passive design strategies in a climate. In Proceedings of PLEA (pp. 3890-3897). Edinburgh: NCEUB.
  • Chaudhary, A. M., Vaidya, P., & Dharini, S. K. (2017). Lighting retrofit of CEPT university: enhancing visual comfort and reducing energy consumption. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Faculty of Architecture Research Unit (FARU). Colombo, Srilanka: University of Moratuwa.
  • Nagpal, S., & Vaidya, P. (2017). Tools and rules-of-thumb for passive design strategies for Indian climatic conditions. In Proceedings of INSPIRE (pp. 117-123). New Delhi: Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).
  • Manu, S., Vaidya, P., & Rawal, R. (2017). Building bridges or chasms? Separating energy efficiency education for better integration. In Proceedings of PLEA (pp. 2363-2370).  Edinburgh: NCEUB.
  • Royan, M., Vaidya, P., & Damle, R. (2017). Simulating natural ventilation in residential buildings using water table apparatus. In Proceedings of INSPIRE (pp. 159-167). New Delhi: Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).
  • Rawal, R., Vaidya, P., Manu, S., & Shukla, Y. (2017). Divide by net-zero: Infinite potential or calculation error? A quasi-academic design and construction project in India. In Proceedings of PLEA. Bologna.
  • Rawal, R., Vaidya, P., Ghatti, V., Manu, S., & Chandiwala, S. (2013). ECOnirman & third party assessors: Innovative approaches to energy code compliance and enforcement in india. In Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency (pp. 1329-1337). Paris, France: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE).
  • Rawal, R., Vaidya, P., Ghatti, V., Ward, A., Seth, S., Jain, A., & Parthasarathy, T. (2012). Energy code enforcement for beginners: A tiered approach to energy code in India. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 4-313 to 4-324). Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., Melchert, J., Ghatti, V. S., Deshmukh, A., Manu, S., Seth, S. … Bassi, S. (2012). Simulations without experts: ECOnirman – a whole building code compliance tool for India. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 12-298 to 12-306). Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Eijadi, D., Vaidya, P., Baker, C. (2011). Building energy efficiency from the first decisions. In Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency (pp. 1233-1240). Paris, France: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE).
  • Hammer, C., & Vaidya, P. (2010). Implementing long-term measurement & verification at a building: A socio-technical analysis. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 7-116 to 7-127). Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., Bharvirkar, R., Ward, A., Vasudevan, R., & Cherail, K. (2010). Transforming the building energy efficiency market in India: lessons from the USA. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 4-351 to 4-366).  Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Deringer, J., & Vaidya, P. (2008). Making daylighting work: applying cx to avoid daylighting problems before they happen. Paper presented at the 16th National Conference on Building Commissioning, PECI, Portland, Oregon.
  • Deringer, J., & Vaidya, P. (2007). Making daylighting work: Applying cx to improve the design and implementation process. Paper presented at the National Conference on Building Commissioning, PECI, Portland, Oregon.
  • Vaidya, P., Greden, L., Eijadi, D., McDougall, T., & Cole, R. (2007). Integrated cost-estimation methodology to support high-performance building design. In Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency. Paris, France: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE).
  • Greden, L., Vaidya, P., Baker, C., Eijadi, D., & McDougall, T. (2007). Risk calculations for energy conservation technologies: The likelihood of realizing design-phase expectations in new construction. In Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency (pp. 1053-1064). Paris, France: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE).
  • Steinbock, J., Eijadi, D., McDougall, T., Vaidya, P., & Weier, J. (2006). Zero energy: Designing and monitoring a zero energy building that works: The science house in Minnesota. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (1-297 to 1-311).  Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Greden, L., Vaidya, P., Douglas, J., McDougall, T., Eijadi, D., Walker, R., & Leuthauser, F. (2006). Measuring the success rate of ECMS in new construction. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 85-99).  Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., Greden, L., Steinbock, J., & Eijadi, D. (2006). Cash or Credit: What works better? Comparing utility incentive programs with LEED. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 6-238 to 6-251). Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., McDougall, T., Steinbock, J., Douglas, J., & Eijadi, D. (2005). Making daylighting work: Learning from failures to improve the design and implementation process. In Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency. Paris, France: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., McDougall, T., Steinbock, J., Douglas, J., & Eijadi, D. (2004). What’s wrong with daylighting? Where it goes wrong and how users respond to failure. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (7-342 to 7-357). Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Eijadi, D., Vaidya, P., Reinertsen, J., & Kumar, S. (2002). Introducing comparative analysis to the LEED system: A case for rational and regional application. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., Eijadi, D., McDougall, T., & Johnson, J. (2002). Creating a synergistic energy saving environment through a demand side management program. In Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (pp. 6.283 to 6.296).  Washington D.C.: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
  • Vaidya, P., Eijadi, D., McDougall, T., & Johnson, J. (2001). The energy assets program and the Minnesota design community: Trends in co-evolution. In Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency. Paris, France: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE).