Pooja Suresh Hollannavar

External Consultant | phollannavar at iihs dot ac dot in


2015    BArch Priyadarshini Institute of Architecture and Design Studies Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
2018    MSc, Architectural History and Theory Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture,

             University of Edinburgh Edinburgh,United Kingdom


Countries: India, United Kingdom
States: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Scotland
Cities: Mumbai, Bangalore, Edinburgh, Dundee, Ahmedabad, New Delhi
Languages: English, Hindi, Kannada

Pooja Suresh Hollannavar is an architectural historian by education, writer-editor-curator by choice and traveller by passion. She has worked with Historic Environment Scotland, the Victoria and Albert Museum in Scotland, CEPT Archives, CEPT University Press, and HCPDPM amongst others. She has executed multiple architectural exhibitions and publications, and believes in creative, insightful, and cross dimensional use of archives, exhibitions, and publications for effective communication of architecture and the built environment. All her free time is spent exploring the world through books and travel. At IIHS, Pooja is the Communications Manager for the Solar Decathlon India project in the Sustainable Energy Lab.

Journal Articles

  • Hollannavar, P. S., & Vaidya, P. (2023). Towards Net Zero buildings: Driving innovation and scale with Solar Decathlon India 2023. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal, 26(4), 57-63.