Mohanraj Subramaniam

Manager - Information Technology | mohanraj dot s at iihs dot ac dot in

2007    BSc, Computer Science Annamalai University Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India

Countries: India
States: Karnataka
Cities: Bengaluru
Languages: English, Tamil

Mohanraj S has more than ten years professional experience in IT, and is a Red Hat Certified Engineer. Previously, his work involved designing and securing private and public IT infrastructure through routers, firewalls and network switches, as well as installing, configuring and managing Linux and Windows-based applications in different capacities.


 At IIHS, Mohanraj is responsible for system administration, office automation and maintenance of servers and networks. He also coordinates IT support for events at the IIHS, Bengaluru City Campus.


Mohanraj’s hobbies include playing cricket and trekking.