Mihir Ravindra Kulkarni

Consultant – Academics and Research | mkulkarni at iihs dot ac dot in

2019    PhD, Zoology Department of Zoology, Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, Maharashtra, India
2011    MSc, Zoology Department of Zoology, Pune University Pune, Maharashtra, India
2009    BSc, Microbiology Modern College, Pune University Pune, Maharashtra, India





Countries: India
States: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana
Cities: Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi


Mihir Ravindra Kulkarni is an aquatic ecologist with research interests in natural history, biodiversity and ecology of freshwater invertebrates. Despite their key roles in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, most freshwater invertebrates remain understudied in diverse regions like India, where they are increasingly threatened by natural and human-mediated factors. On completing his Ph.D. in Zoology studying freshwater invertebrates in the Western Ghats, Mihir studied their evolution and ecology in natural and urban habitats as a postdoctoral fellow at the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. Apart from research, Mihir also conducts popular workshops on freshwater biodiversity and ecology to improve public awareness about these understudied groups.


At IIHS, he is involved in the LTUEO programme at the IIHS Campus, Kengeri, and in designing and implementing ecology-based approaches for improving the health of urban water bodies.


  • Urban Biodiversity, Ecology, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Replicating Community Managed Fish Conservation Zones in Free-Flowing Rivers

Journal Article

  • Barbosa, L. G., Kulkarni, M. R., Dantas, Ê. W., de Oliveira, D. L., dos Santos Silva, F., & Bortolini, J. C. (2024). Temporal and spatial variations drive the phytoplankton communities in rock pools in a semi-arid region. Aquatic Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-024-10097-3
  • Kulkarni, M. R. (2024, June 3). ‘Sitting ducks’ in a megacity: What do waterbirds tell us about the effectiveness of lake restoration? (Poster presentation). Lahti Lakes 2024: Towards Sustainable Lake Restoration, 3-5 June 2024. University of Helsinki; Lake Vesijärvi Foundation.