Manish Dubey

Chief – Practice | mdubey at iihs dot co dot in


1995    MBA Institute of Rural Management Anand Anand, Gujarat, India
1993    BCom Ness Wadia College of Commerce Pune, Maharashtra, India

Countries: India
States: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal
Cities: Allahabad, Bhopal, Cuttack, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Raipur, Surat
Languages: English, Hindi

Manish Dubey is Chief, Practice Programme, at IIHS. Manish provides strategic direction and guidance to consolidate and grow the programme portfolio and team in line with the overall mission and strategic vision of IIHS.


Manish is a governance and institutional development expert with over 25 years of consulting experience with national and state governments, multilateral and bilateral development partners, industry, international NGOs, and philanthropies. His experience spans the rural and urban water supply and sanitation (WSS), urban development, natural resource management, and rural livelihood sectors across 20 Indian states. Among his clients have been the World Bank, UNICEF, Asian Development Bank, Australian Agency for International Development, Department for International Development (DFID), Global Sanitation Fund and Swedish International Development Agency.


Key areas of Manish’s work include institutional design and strengthening, programme design and strategy, reform management support, strategic stakeholder communication, and sector, portfolio and programme level result management. His professional engagement has been geared towards realising improved services and substantive roles in planning and implementation processes for communities and local governments and enabling sector reform initiatives.


Manish’s engagement with public issues through media commentary has translated to the publishing of over a hundred opinion pieces and articles on politics, society and cricket in digital and print. He has also authored two books of crime fiction and has spoken on literary matters and his personal creative journey on several fora.


  • Infrastructure and Services, Public policy, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Law, Governance and Policy, Governance, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS



  • Training Programme for Probationary Officers of Bihar Administrative Services , Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development , Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India
  • National Jal Jeevan Mission, Urban Practitioners’ Programme (UPP), IIHS

Practice Reports

Lead author of over 30 practice reports


Journal Articles

  • Revi, A., & Dubey, M. (1999). Indicators for urban environmental services in Lucknow- process and methods. Environment and Urbanization, 11(2), 227–246.



  • Dubey, M. (2017). A murderous family. Juggernaut.
  • Dubey, M. (2016). A murder in Gurgaon. Srishti.


Other Writings

  • Ghoge, K., Verma, M., Dubey, M., & Bazaz, A. (2023). The urban in India’s recent state budgets. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Verma, M., Mondal, S., Bazaz, A., & Dubey, M. (2023). Indian municipal finance 2023. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Jha, D., Dubey, M., & Singla, S. (2023). The state of real estate regulation in India 2023. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Jha, D., Dubey, M., & Goswami, A. (2023). Urban land and property record systems in India: The case and agenda for reform (Policy Brief). Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Verma, M., Bazaz, A., & Dubey M. (2022). Indian municipal finance: An update. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Jha, D., Dubey, M., & Wangchuk, T. (2022). Real estate regulation in India: Select state profiles. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Bazaz, A., Srinivasan, M., & Dubey, M. (2022, July 13). The scale of municipal finances is inadequate. The Hindu.
  • Revi, A., Srinivasan, M., Bazaz, A., Dubey, M., & Safdar, M. F. (2022). Indian municipal finance 2022. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Dubey, M. (2021, January 22). Of fathers and sons in big league cricket: cricket legends and their sons. The Citizen.
  • Dubey, M. (2021, January 12). India’s farmer protest has exposed a polity-wide crisis. The Citizen.
  • Dubey, M. (2020, December 3). New year resolutions for unusual times. Deccan Herald.
  • Dubey, M. (2021, December 23). Celebrating the Indian Christmas. Deccan Herald.
  • Dubey, M. (2020, December 11). Did we really miss international cricket in 2020? Deccan Herald.
  • Baumann, P., Ramakrishnan, R., Dubey, M., Raman, R. K., & Farrington, J. (2003). Institutional alternatives and options for decentralized natural resource management in India (ODI Working Paper, No. 230) Overseas Development Institute.
  • Ramakrishnan, R., Dubey, M., Raman, R. K., Farrington, J., & Baumann, P. (2002). Panchayati Raj and natural resources management: How to decentralize management over natural resources (National Synthesis Report).
  • Ramakrishnan, R., Dubey, M., Raman, R. K., Baumann, P., & Farrington, J. (2002). Panchayati Raj and natural resources management: National-level Synthesis Report.

Projects at IIHS

  • Cellular: A Light House Model for Affordable Zero Carbon Living in India
  • Indian Municipal Finance 2023
  • Indian Municipal Finance 2022: An Update
  • Sustainable Urban Mobility
  • Solar Decathlon India
  • Capacity Building Workshops on Energy-Efficient Habitat for Tamil Nadu Climate Change Mission (TNCCM)
  • Improved Solid Waste Management to 25 Indian Cities
  • Biennial Report on Disaster and Climate Resilient Infrastructure

Policy, Governance, and Institutional Development

  • Drafted chapter on Municipal Administration and Governance for a White Paper on Municipal Strengthening in India (2020)
  • Developed Institutional Strengthening Plan for the Surat Climate Change Trust (2014-15)
  • Undertook the UNICEF-supported task for Institutional Strengthening of the Bihar State Water and Sanitation Mission (2013-14)
  • Prepared Strategy Note for Ensuring a Leading role for Local Governments and Communities in O&M of Rural Water supply (RWS) Systems in Bihar for UNICEF (2013-14)
  • Undertook the World Bank-supported Service Delivery Assessments for Rural and Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sectors in Bihar and Rajasthan (2011-12)
  • Prepared the national synthesis report and select state reports for GoI’s State of Panchayats Report (SoPR): 2010-11 (2011-12)
  • Analysed Private Sector Participation Experiences in the RWS Sector in India for the World Bank (2010-11)
  • Developed National Theme Paper on Urban Water Supply & Sanitation (UWSS) Sector Regulation in India for the World Bank (2009-11)
  • Developed Operations Manual for UNDP-supported Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Programme (2009)
  • Led the DFID-supported task for Establishment and Operationalization of the Government of Madhya Pradesh’s Poverty Monitoring and Policy Support Unit Society (2007-08)
  • Led the UNICEF-supported Review Support to GoI for Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Sector (RWSS) Reforms (2005-06)
  • Led Aga Khan Foundation-supported Study on Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Decentralized Natural Resource Management (DNRM) in Rajasthan (2002)
  • Anchored the Madhya Pradesh component of the ODI-supported Study on PRIs and DNRM in India (2000-02)

Program Design and Strategy

  • Undertook a Study on Urban Sanitation-Livelihood Linkages for the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme (TNUSSP) (2019)
  • Developed the Approach to State-wide Capacity Building (CB) on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) in Tamil Nadu for TNUSSP (2018-19)
  • Drafted the base roadmap document for the India’s National Heatwave Management Plan (NHMP) (2016)
  • Part of the DFID-supported team that prepared the Strategy for Strengthening the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) to Address Climate-induced Public Health Hazards (2015)
  • Led the development of the State Perspective and Implementation Plan (SPIP) for Jharkhand for the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) (2011-13)
  • Prepared the India Country Programme Proposal (CPP) for the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) (2010)
  • Undertook a pre-design Study on Childhood Vulnerability and Poverty in South Rajasthan for Save the Children, Finland (2009)
  • Led the UNICEF-supported task for Facilitating RWSS Service Providers in Bihar and Jharkhand to Plan for Change Management (2007-08)
  • Programme Team Leader for the GBP 20 million DFID-supported International NGO Partnership Programme (IPAP) (2007-09)
  • Facilitated national and state-level multi-stakeholder consultations for the development of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) India Country Partnership Strategy (2007-12)
  • Advised on strategic communication, management of non-technical losses, and subsidy reform and administration options under Power Sector Reform Management Support to GoMP (2003-05)
  • Part of the team that undertook the Study of Difficult Environment (DE) States in India for DFID (2004)
  • Developed the Internal Communication Strategy for Power Sector Reform in Punjab (2004)
  • Part of the team that prepared the Sida Country Strategy for the Water and NRM Sector (2002)
  • Led the preparation of the WSS Strategy for the AusAID India Country Strategy Compendium (2002-07) (2001-02)
  • Led the preparatory study for CARE India’s Urban Poverty Reduction Strategy (2000)
  • Scoped Options for Inclusion of Civil Society Initiatives for an Urban Poverty Reduction and Municipal Reform Project in Northern Kolkata for DFID (1998)

Result Framework Design, Strategic Program Reviews, and Evaluations

  • Led the Evaluation of the Urban Health and Climate Resilience Centre (UHCRC), Surat (2017)
  • Designed the results framework for the UNICEF-supported task for Strengthening Monitoring, Reporting, Evaluation, and MIS for the RWSS Sector in Bihar (2015-16)
  • Developed the Logical Framework, Theory of Change, and M&E Arrangements for the Bharat India Jodo (BiJ) Initiative of the Reliance Foundation (2013-14)
  • Participated in the Evaluation of the GBP 89 million, DFID-supported Kolkata Urban Services for the Poor (KUSP) Programme (2010-11)
  • Designed the results framework for the UNDP-supported task for Design, Development, and Implementation of a MIS for Women’s Social, Economic, and Political Empowerment Project in Uttar Pradesh (2010-11)
  • Led the institutional component Review of the GBP 14 million Technical Assistance Component of the DFID-ADB Trust Fund (TF) for India (2010-11)
  • Led the Mid-term Impact Assessment of the GBP 45 million, DFID-supported Madhya Pradesh Urban Services for the Poor (MPUSP) Programme
  • Led the UNICEF-supported Management Review of Communication and Capacity Development Units (CCDUs) in the RWSS Sector (2008-09)
  • Led the Mid-term Impact Assessment of the KUSP Programme (2008)
  • Led the Design, Development, and Implementation of a MIS for the DFID-supported Madhya Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project (MPRLP) (2007-10)
  • India Country Coordinator for the DFID-supported Study on Key Stakeholder Perceptions of Multilateral Organization (MO) Effectiveness (2007-08)
  • Undertook an Options Assessment for the ADB/ DFID Poverty TF for India for DFID (2006-07)
  • Led the Impact Assessment of the GBP 27 million, DFID-supported Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme (2006)
  • Participated in Strategic Mid-term Review (MTR) of the DFID-supported Andhra Pradesh Urban Services for the Poor (APUSP) Project (2003-04)
  • Managed the DFID-supported Impact Assessment of Pilot Investments under Haryana Power Sector Reform (2001)
  • Led the UNICEF-supported Evaluation of the Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission (RGWM) in MP (2000)
  • Part of the team that undertook a Fundamental Review of the DFID-supported Cuttack Urban Services Improvement for the Poor (CUSIP) Project (2000)
  • Provide design inputs to the Socio-economic Baseline Study for Andhra Pradesh Power Sector Reform (1999-2001)
  • Managed the UNICEF-supported Evaluation of Rural Sanitary Marts and Production Centres (1999-2000)
  • Managed the DFID-supported Socio-economic Baseline Study for Haryana Power Sector Reform (1999)
  • Managed the study on Indicators for Urban Environmental Services in Lucknow (1997-98)
  • Part of the team that supported the Urban Environmental Services Master Plan for Lucknow (1996-2021) (1996-98)