Mahima Vijendra

Senior Consultant – Practice | mvijendra at iihs dot ac dot in


2008    MSc, Environmental Policy and Regulation London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) London, United Kingdom

2005    BA (Honours), Environment and Planning University of Liverpool Liverpool, United Kingdom


Countries: India, UK
States: Karnataka
Cities: London, Bangalore
Languages: English, Kannada, Hindi, German

A development sector professional for over 15 years, Mahima Vijendra has diverse experience, including in development planning, sustainability and environmental consulting, as well as water and sanitation. She has overseen numerous large projects, managing multidisciplinary teams to conduct research, analysis, and provide technical assistance. Beginning her career with multinational consulting firms, Mahima worked on economic impact studies, socio-economic analyses, employment land reviews, policy research, environmental assessments, and carbon management.


In the last five years, Mahima has shifted her focus to water and sanitation. At IIHS, she contributes to the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme, concentrating on institutional strengthening and financing. This involves updating policies, amending legal instruments, and evaluating financial resources to improve inclusive sanitation services. Additionally, Mahima has been involved with the Global Commission on the Economics of Water. She has collaborated with various public and private sector stakeholders in both India and the UK.


  • Infrastructure and Services, Water and sanitation, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Practica, Other, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS



  • Urban Sanitation Management (TNUIFSL),Project-related training, IIHS

Journal Articles:

  • Sabapathy, A., Ragavan, S. K., Vijendra, M., & Nataraja, A. G. (2010). Energy efficiency benchmarks and the performance of LEED rated buildings for Information Technology facilities in Bangalore, India. Energy and Buildings, 42(11), 2206-2212.


Other Writing

  • Wankhade, K., Raghavan, S., Vjiendra, V., Abhilaasha, N., Sundar, S., Rodrigues, D. M., Mahji, A., Edwin, E., Athira, S., Roy, A.S., Lakshmi, K., & Mani, A. (2023). Water and sanitation glossary. Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
  • Vijendra, M., & Ragavan, S. (2023, December 25). A dive into sanitation solutions: processing, managing and treating used water. The Hindu.
  • Grafton, Q., Gupta, J., Revi, A., Mazzucato, M., Okonjo-Iewala, N., Rockström, J., Shanmugaratnam, T., Aki-Sawyerr, Y., Bárcena Ibarra, A., Cantrell, L., Espinosa, M. F., Ghosh, A., Ishii, N., Jintiach, J. C., Qui, B., Ramphele, M., Urrego, M. R., Serageldin, I., Damania, R., … Réalé, I. (2023). The what, why and how of the world water crisis: Global Commission on the Economics of Water phase 1 review and findings.
  • Vijendra, M., & Sudhakar, S. (2020). Systems and procedures for urban sanitation in Tamil Nadu. TNUSSP.
  • Ramesh, G., Raman, R., Ramaswamyna, N., Sudhakar, S., Vijendra, M., & Anneka, M. (2020). State investment plan for FSM. TNUSSP.
  • Yaseen, S. M., Vijendra, M., Sudhakar, S., Eswaramurthy, S., Govindaraj, S., K., Sakthi, B., Mohan, P., Raj, S., Ahmed, F., Jeevanraj, S., Athira, S., Ragavan, S., & Wankhade, K. (2023). Governance mechanisms for shared FSM services: Intricacies of implementation across local bodies in Tamil Nadu, India. Paper presented at the 7th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference, FSM7.
  • Sudhakar, S., Vijendra, M., & Wankhade, K. (2021, May 31 -June 4). Roles and responsibilities of public and private sector actors in FSM: Case study of Tamil Nadu. Paper presented at the 6th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference, FSM6.
  • Vijendra, M., Sudhakar, S., Ramamoorthy, R., Wankhade, K., & Ganesan, O. L. V. (2021, May 31 -June 4). Governance mechanisms for a cluster-approach to FSM service delivery in Tamil Nadu, India. Paper presented at the 6th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference, FSM6.
  • Wankhade, K., Raman, R., Ramesh, G., Ramasamy, N., Sudhakar, S., Vijendra, M., & Majhi, A. (2021, May 31 -June 4). A systematic approach to securing capital and O&M funds for scaling FSM. Paper presented at the 6th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference, FSM6.
  • Vijendra, M., Wankhade, K., Ramamoorthy, R., Sudhakar, S., & Majhi, A. (2021). Sustainable and equitable de-sludging services: A Tamil Nadu case study. In 42nd WEDC international conference: Equitable and sustainable WASH services: Future challenges in a rapidly changing world. WEDC.
  • Wankhade, K., Ragavan, S., & Vijendra, M. (2021). Sanitation programme design and set-up to scale FSM in Tamil Nadu. In 42nd WEDC international conference: Equitable and sustainable WASH services: Future challenges in a rapidly changing world. WEDC.
  • Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme (TNUSSP)
  • Global Commision on the Economics of Water (GCEW)
  • Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS)
  • Improving Sanitation Facilities in Chennai