Chinmay Pathak

External Consultant | cpathak at iihs dot ac dot in

Ongoing    MDes, Information Design National Institute of Design, Bengaluru Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
2018    BArch Institute of Design Education & Architectural Studies (IDEAS) Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Countries: India
States: Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi NCR, Punjab, Telangana, Odisha
Cities: Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Chintamani, Mandavi (Bhuj), Amritsar, Bhubaneswar, Kochi
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi

Chinmay Ajay Pathak is an information designer who is passionate about using data, design, and storytelling to create positive change in society. With a critical social and cultural understanding, they create visually compelling designs that help to communicate complex issues and engage audiences on topics ranging from social justice to environmental sustainability.


Their work is always grounded in an understanding of society and culture, and they believe that visual communication has the power to make a real difference in the world. Whether designing an infographic, a data visualisation, or a report, they are always thinking about how their work can help to drive positive change and create a more just and equitable world.


At IIHS, Chinmay works at the communications and design team, working on design collaterals for both digital and print media, creative strategy, data visualisation and other visual communication requirements.