Anand Christopher

Lead - Resource Development | anand.christopher at iihs dot ac dot in

2022    Advanced Management & Leadership Program, IIM Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
2012    MPhil, Management, Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
2006    MBA, Human Resource Management, Pondicherry University and Christ University, Bangalore,

             Karnataka, India

                                     1999    BE, Printing Technology, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Countries: India
States: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi NCR, Andhra Pradesh
Cities: Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad
Languages: English, Hindi, Kannada

Anand Christopher brings over 20+ years of in-depth experience in human resource management, general administration & facilities management, and corporate communications spanning sectors such as IT Services & ITES/BPO, manufacturing (defence & aerospace, biotechnology), the social sector (not-for-profit) and higher education.


He has hands-on experience in managing the entire gamut of HRM & general administration activities, including: manpower planning & deployment, talent acquisition, employee engagement, learning & development, performance management, career management, compensation & benefits, rewards & recognition, succession planning, HR policies & systems, employee welfare, corporate communications & branding, risk management & mitigation, employee health & safety, contract labour management, general administration, facilities management, client & vendor management, and CSR.


Anand also has around 5 years of academic experience, teaching at Christ University Institute of Management & Presidency Business School (MBA & PGDM programs). His academic credentials include: Advanced Leadership Program from IIM, Lucknow; SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP). He is also a Certified Lead Auditor (ISO 9001:2015, 45001:2018 & 14001:2015), Certified Professional in Health & Safety (NEBOSH IGC).