Amanda Thounaojam

Senior Associate – Sustainable Energy Lab | amandat at iihs dot ac dot in


2017    BArch Dayananda Sagar School of Architecture Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
2019    MTech, Building Energy Performance CEPT University Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


Countries: India
States: Karnataka, Gujarat
Cities: Bangalore, Ahmedabad
Languages: English, Hindi, Telugu, Manipuri

Amanda Thounaojam is a Senior Technical Associate at IIHS. She conducts research that integrates passive approaches with IoT-based controls, working in the areas of thermal comfort, affordable cooling, visual comfort, net-zero energy and water design, sustainability dashboards, and calibrated simulations. At IIHS, Amanda manages Solar Decathlon India, the largest net-zero building challenge in the world. Amanda is also a faculty member for the Urban Fellows Programme at IIHS.


Before IIHS, Amanda was a Visiting Scholar at the Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory at the University of Oregon, USA, funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF). Her research work at the University of Oregon was on prototyping a High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) sensor for facade controls.


Amanda holds an MTech in Building Energy Performance from CEPT University where she won the Aluplast Best Capstone Project Award for her research on evaluating low-cost methods for High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography for daylight assessment.


  • Sustainability Science, Pearl Academy,Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Climate change, Department of RMCS, College of Community Science, PJTSAU,Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Decarbonising the City, Climate change, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Climate Analysis of a city, Climate change, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS



  • Faculty Development Programme,Solar Decathlon India (SDI), IIHS
  • Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., & Prakash, S. (2023, November). Futureproofing with passive buildings: is it cost-effective and is it thermally adequate?. Paper presented at the International conference on Energise 2023: Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency and Climate Action, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
  • Barathi, S., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Gopikrishna, A, Dalavai, U., & Tandon, V. (2023, November). A control sequence for prioritising ceiling fan operation over air conditioners using machine learning to determine thermal comfort. Paper presented at the International conference on Energise 2023: Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency and Climate Action, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
  • Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Singh, G., & Prakash, S. (2022). Calibrated model of an experimental building to test passive thermal comfort solutions for the Global South. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • Venkatesh, J., Vaidya, P., Thounaojam, A., Prakash, S., Chandra, A., Paralkar, V., & Jain, Y. (2022). Finishing with net-zero: A case study of the energy systems in an experimental building. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • Jayaram, S., Thounaojam, A., Venkatesh, J., Srivastava, S., Vakil, G., & Jain, Y. (2022). The twelve percent effect improvements in evidence-based design towards net-zero building performance. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • De, A., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Sinha, D., Raveendran, S., Gopikrishna, & Dalavai, U. (2022). Implementing at-scale adaptive thermal comfort controls for mixed mode building using machine learning. In FARU 2022: 15th International Research Conference. University of Moratuva.
  • Jayaram, S., Thounaojam, A., Venkatesh, J., Jain, Y., & Vakil, G. (2022). A Thousand thunbergs collaborate towards Net-Zero. In PLEA 2022: Will cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency. Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
  • Miriyala, Y., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., & Mangrulkar, A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for LCA in India for innovative technologies. In PLEA 2022: Will cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency. Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
  • 2020 Presented paper at ‘53rd International Conference of the Architecture Science Association’ at IIT, Roorkee on ‘Evaluation of a low-cost method of HDR photography for Daylight Assessment’.
  • 2019 Presented paper (online)at ‘IIT BCP Symposium’ Chicago on ‘Prototype of Net Zero Energy school for Hot and Dry climate in Indian context’.
  • Solar Decathlon India
  • Implementation and Testing of a Control Sequence for Prioritising Ceiling Fan Operations Using Machine Learning to Determine Thermal Comfort
  • Embodied Carbon Analysis of Experimental Technologies Using an LCA Approach