Ruchika Lall

Consultant – Academics & Research | ruchikal at iihs dot ac dot in


2017    MSc, Building and Urban Design for Development University College London London, United Kingdom
2010    BArch Sushant School of Art and Architecture Gurugram, Haryana, India




Countries: India, UK, Italy, Myanmar, Sri Lanka
States: Delhi, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra
Cities: Delhi, Silvassa, Mumbai, London, Yangon, Colombo
Languages: English, Hindi

Ruchika Lall is an architect and urban designer with over 14 years of experience on a diverse range of urban projects. These include winning entries in national competitions, interventions in housing and waste management in informal settlements, and action-oriented design research. She completed her master’s degree in building and urban design for development as a Chevening scholar at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London. She has been visiting faculty at the School of Architecture and Planning at GD Goenka University. She has worked on housing, spatial inequity and policy research with several non-governmental organisations in India, the United Kingdom, Italy, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.


At IIHS, Ruchika’s research through the Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW) project focused on the role of planning education to address urban inequality, with attention to higher education in the Global South, as well as through pedagogy within housing rights movements and sites of collective action.


  • Integrative Case, Integrating Common’s Layers, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Housing Justice: A View from India, Housing, Digital Blended Learning (DBL) course, IIHS



  • Housing for Community Practitioners,Inclusive Cities Course, IIHS

Journal Article

  • Lall, R., Mehra, R., & Narayan, M. (2023). Co-producing knowledge in action: Reflecting from the Main Bhi Dilli campaign for equitable planning in Delhi. Planning Theory.
  • Sami, N., Lall, R., Anand, G., & Anand, S. (2022). Rethinking planning education for urban equality: Higher education as a site for change. Environment and Urbanization, 34(2), 413-429.
  • Wesely, J., Lall, R., Dutta, N., Anand, G., & Allen, A. (2022). How do we learn now? pluralising urban pedagogies in the COVID-19 pandemic. Urbanisation, 7(1), 87-98.
  • Lall, R. (2022). Housing temporalities: State narratives and precarity in the Global South. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs, 12(2), 404–423.
  • Anand, G., Lall, R., Wesely, J., & Allen, A. (2021). One amongst many: Higher education institutions in an ecosystem of urban pedagogies. Education & Reality, 46 (4), Article e118080.


Books/ Book Chapters

  • Lall, R., Mitra, S. & Sakuma, S. (2018). In C. Ortiz & B. Lipietz (Eds.), Grounding Development: Reflections on community-based practices in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. London: The Bartlett Developing Planning Unit.


Other Writing

  • Sohane, N., Lall, R., Chandran, A., Lala, R., Kapoor, N., & Gajjar, H. (2021). Home as workplace: A spatial reading of work-homes. Indian Institute for Human Settlements and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing.
  • Lall, R., Kombe, W., Kyessi, A., & Mtwangi-Limbumba, T. (2021, April 21). Reflection from KNOW annual workshop, 2021. Know Blog.
  • Lall, R., Lakhan, A., Shakeel, A., & Selva, I. A. (2020, August 12). Thinking about Covid-19 relief and recovery in India. KNOW blog.
  • Lall, R. (2018, 28 September). Reflections on waste, informality and scaling up. UCL blog.
  • Lall, R. (2018, 28 September). Finding spaces for longitudinal learning & institutional reflexivity. UCL blog.
  • Lall, R. (2016, January 01). As the Govt. Continues to ignore Delhi’s homeless, this citizen initiative gives hope.
  • Mehra, R., Lall, R., & Narayan, M. (2023, 25 June – 1 July). Co-producing knowledge in action: Reflecting from the main Bhi Dilli campaign for equitable planning in Delhi. Paper presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre; International Sociological Association.
  • Sami, N., Lall, R., & Anand, S. (2022). Building Knowledge: The challenges of creating a ‘Southern’ frame for urban planning pedagogy. In T. Maloutas., & P. Koutrolikou (Eds.), RC21 Conference Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times (p. 21). Harokopeio University, Athens.
  • Anand, G., Lall, R., Wesely, J., & Allen, A.  (2022, February). One amongst many: Higher education institutions in an ecosystem of urban knowledges. Paper presented at the Future of urban equality: Knowledge, partnerships and pathways in action. Knowledge in action for Urban Equity.
  • Anand, G., Lall, R., & Mehra, R. (2022, February). Learning for and from participation: Reflections from engaging with citizens on Master Plans in India​. Paper presented at the Future of urban equality: Knowledge, partnerships and pathways in action. Knowledge in action for Urban Equity.