Yashita Singh

External Consultant | ysingh at iihs dot ac dot in


2022    BPlan Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Countries: India
States: Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka
Cities: Bhopal, Bangalore
Languages: English, Hindi


Yashita Singh is an external consultant with the Urban Informatics Lab (UIL) at IIHS, where she explores a data-driven approach to answer complex questions related to urban disciplines. She wishes to broaden her knowledge in urban research and practice. Her background in urban planning instilled her love for learning about cities and the use of coherent solutions to improve quality of life. Her interests include sustainable urban development, economic development, urban innovation and urban policy.


  • Data Skills Lab – Urban Informatics Lab, Information science, Data and urban informatics, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • From Raw Data to Insights: Urban Data Analysis Using R, Information science, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Chief Minister of Rajasthan’s Economic Transformation Advisory Council (CMRETAC): Urban Transitions
  • Scoping Study of Human Migration and Displacement within India
  • Study on the Spatial Distribution of Employment and Income Categories in Chennai Metropolitan Area