
The IIHS Research Programme is one of the most productive urban programmes across the world, and particularly so in the Global South. As of December 2017, IIHS Faculty collectively have over 500 publications, including 350 in the last five years; and more than 11,000 citations, 7,000 of which were in the last five years. IIHS’ current h-index for the last five years is 27 (implying that 27 publications by IIHS Faculty have higher than 27 citations). Over the last five years, IIHS Faculty have been consistently producing an average of two publications per year, with very high citation rates (at an average of 20 citations per paper).


Research work done at IIHS is disseminated through a diverse set of forms ranging from academic journals to popular writing such as opinion pieces in leading domestic and international newspapers and magazines. IIHS Faculty publish widely in international academic journals with high impact factors, and audiences across multiple disciplines and themes. IIHS Research therefore circulates widely, across multiple registers with high impact, engaging not only with current academic debates but also across policy analysis and popular writing.


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