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This report identifies the systemic crisis of the global water cycle, based on new evidence.

Knowledge Gateway

This article addresses critical gaps in the justice implications of renewable energy transitions.


Special panel on ‘Migration in Development and Urban Policy’ on 18 July 2024, 4:00 pm IST.

Explore courses from IIHS’ Digital Blended and Capacity Development Programmes
5 September 2022

Course on

Shaping Urban Futures

Launched on Coursera, this new online course is a collaborative effort of five global institutions including IIHS. Designed as a self-paced, 6-week course, it addresses the most pressing challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century by considering how cities can become sustainable.

19 July 2022

Course on

The Art and Science of Economic Policy

IIHS, in collaboration with Coursera, has launched its latest digital blended learning programme. The 5-week self-paced course helps learners understand the why, when, what and how of economic policymaking through a combination of concepts and ideas, cases and examples and thought-provoking discussion questions.

Stay updated with the latest news from, and events at IIHS


This is the last week to get free access to the latest special issue of Urbanisation!


#FreeAccess #SpecialIssue

The latest special issue of Urbanisation includes general articles that critically engage with the migration–urbanisation nexus and the policies that lie at this intersection.

For free access to the articles all through July 2024, visit:



‘The Qualitative Research Methods in the Urban’ course from the IIHS Research Methods Suite, conducted over two weekends, engaged learners with discussions and various activities to explore the different aspects involved in qualitative methods. Learn more


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