
Senior Associate – IoT (Internet of Things) Lab | gopikrishna at iihs dot ac dot in

2014    BTech, Mechatronics Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Institute of Science and Technology Kattankulathur,

             Tamil Nadu, India


Countries: India
States: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala
Cities: Bangalore, Puducherry, Chennai, Hyderabad
Languages: English, Hindi, Telugu

Gopikrishna has a bachelor’s in robotics with a strong background in system integration, specialising in Internet of Things (IoT) development. Currently, he is working as a Senior Associate with the IoT Lab at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), where he is involved in the development of products for monitoring and execution of the entire infrastructure. Previously, he worked in various organisations in different capacities with over 9 years of experience. He provides innovative solutions by seamlessly connecting various components and technologies. His passion lies in pushing the boundaries of technology to enhance existing systems and design smart infrastructures. His vision is to contribute to a future where IoT can transform industries and help develop smart infrastructures, making them more efficient and sustainable.


  • IoT for a Smart City, Engineering, Urban Fellows Programme (UFP), IIHS
  • Barathi, S., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Gopikrishna, A, Dalavai, U., & Tandon, V. (2023, November). A control sequence for prioritising ceiling fan operation over air conditioners using machine learning to determine thermal comfort. Paper presented at the International conference on Energise 2023: Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency and Climate Action, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
  • Jain, Y., Vaidya, P., Chandra, A., Gopikrishna, Dalavai, U., & Paralkar, V. (2022). A demand response (DR) implementation case study for islanding of a building. In IBPSA, Building Simulation and Optimisation. University of Bath.
  • De, A., Thounaojam, A., Vaidya, P., Sinha, D., Raveendran, S., Gopikrishna, & Dalavai, U. (2022). Implementing at-scale adaptive thermal comfort controls for mixed mode building using machine learning. In FARU 2022: 15th International Research Conference. University of Moratuva.