This section contains reports written by IIHS faculty, associates and staff from on-going and past practice projects. Browse using the right and left arrows to scroll through the papers. If you’d like to search by theme, click on the Keywords on the right hand side. You could also use the Search function if you know the name of the author or the paper.

Accelerating India’s Climate Transition: Pathways to the 1.5°C Goal
Aromar Revi, Amir Bazaz, Chandni Singh, Prathijna Kodira and Ketaki Ghoge

Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting in India: An Analysis of Disclosures from 150 Companies
Sirigowri Guruprasad | Amir Bazaz| Manish Dubey | Nidhi Choudhary | Harshith BN

High Performance Buildings: A Primer
Sandhya Patil, Prasad Vaidya, Amir Bazaz, Manish Dubey

Methods for Spatial Sampling of Urban Neighbourhoods by Socio-Economic Status in Indian Cities
Pratyush Tripathy, Krishnachandran Balakrishnan, Teja Malladi, Amruth Kiran, Gautam Bhan

Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: India Hub Synthesis Report
Poonam Batra, Amir Bazaz, Shalini Dixit, Simran Sadh

Knowledge Co-creation in Action: Learning from the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network
Jama Adam, Amal Ali, Gloria Batamuliza, Poonam Batra, Amir Bazaz, Camilla Beardsmore, Ash Brockwell, Jo Brooks, Gamuchirai Chakona, Shalini Dixit, Dan Imaniriho, Latif Ismail, Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Garry Rosenberg, Simran Sadh, Michael Tusiime, Kos Musa

How to Adapt to a Changing Climate : Summary For All
Sina Löschke, Katja Mintenbeck, Elvira Poloczanska, Robbert Biesbroek, Sarah R. Cooley, Judy Lawrence, Debora Ley, Mike Morecroft, Johanna Nalau, Anjal Prakash, Chandni Singh, Adelle Thomas, Edmond Totin

The Urban in India’s Recent State Budgets
Ketaki Ghoge, Mithlesh Verma, Manish Dubey, Amir Bazaz

The State of Real Estate Regulation in India 2023
Deepika Jha, Manish Dubey, Sejal Singla

Global Diplomacy and Cooperation in Pandemic Times: Lessons and Recommendations from COVID-19
María Fernanda Espinosa, Muhammad Pate, Lan Xue, Kevin Casas-Zamora, Simiao Chen, Gabriella Cuevas Barron, Elke Dall, Roopa Dhatt, Peter Drobac, Luiz Augusto Galvão, Paula Johns, Richard Kinley, Celso Lafer, W. Ian Lipkin, Ok Pannenborg, Joy Phumaphi, Renata Reis, Aromar Revi, Angela Saini, Devi Sridhar, Akihito Watabe, Jiuchang Wei, Ngaire Woods, Emma Torres & Neena Joshi

Land Cover Changes in the Upper Great Ruaha (Tanzania) and the Upper Awash (Ethiopia) River Basins and their Potential Implications for Groundwater Resources
Kiran M. Chandrasekharan, Karen G. Villholth, Japhet J. Kashaigili, Gebrehaweria Gebregziabher, Paulo J. MandelaBazaz

Global Infrastructure Resilience: Capturing the Resilience Dividend
Andrew Maskrey, Bina Desai, Garima Jain, Mabel Marulanda, Aromar Revi, Amir Bazaz, Karen Bennett, Michael Furniss, Mark Weinhold, Balaji Singh Chowhan, Prashant Hedao, Claudia Canfield , Pam Foster, Fleur Wouterse, Ysabella Goedhart, Gul Tucaltan, Sioux Fanny Melo Leon, Chris Dickinson, Ben Vickers, Nicholas Chow

Championing ‘Local’ Culture and Economy
Hitesh Vaidya, Kanak Tiwari, Nilesh Prakash Rajadhyaksha, Ruchi Gupta, Jordi Pascual, Kinjal Sampat, K. T Ravindran, Manu Mahajan, Prasad Shetty, Rajeev Sethi, Shikha Jain, Shveta Mathur, Vijaya Amujure, Enrico E. Bertacchini, Gurmeet S. Rai, Jagan Shah & Laila Tyabji

Capacity Development Forum 2023 Proceedings
Anuttama Dasgupta, Smitha N

Capacity Development Forum 2021 Proceedings
Anuttama Dasgupta, Smitha N

Ecosystems of Engagement: Digital Platforms and Women’s Work in Sri Lanka and India
Aditi Surie, Ayesha Zainudeen, Gayashi Jayasinghe, Isuru Samaratunga, Krishna Akhil Kumar Adavi, Mukta Naik, Prerna Seth, Ramathi Bandaranayake, Ruwanka de Silva, Sabina Dewan, Shamindra Nath Roy, Tharaka Amarasinghe

Restoring India’s Terrestrial Ecosystems: Needs, Challenges and Policy Recommendations
Manaswi Raghurama, Sumana Dutta, Tanaya Nair, Mahesh Sankaran, T.R. Shankar Raman, Divya Mudappa, Anand M. Osuri, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Uma Ramakrishnan, Nitin Pandit, Pradip Krishen, Ashish Nerlekar, Ishan Agrawal, Paul Blanchflower, Noopur Borawake, Godwin Vasanth Bosco, Arundhati Das, Mandar N. Datar, Aparajita Datta, Arun Mani Dixit, Ketaki Ghate, Ankila Hiremath, Pankaj Joshi, Atul Joshi, Justus Joshua, Danish Khan, Vijay Kumar, Mayur Nandikar, Rohit Naniwadekar, Goutam Narayan, Vikram S. Negi, Siddharth Rao, Vasant Saberwal, Vivek Saxena, Anita Varghese, Aparna Watve, S.R. Yadav, Ravi Chellam, Kamal Bawa

Influencing the Social Protection Agenda in Rajasthan to Support Urban Informal Workers
Shriya Anand, Gautam Bhan, Louie Fooks

Counter Imaginaries: Towards a New Cartography of Agency
Sukhesh Arora, Shena Gamat

Breaking Through the Intergenerational Cycle of Educational Inequalities: First Generation Learners, Stigmatized Occupational Groups and Sustainable Futures
Anagha Tambe, Swati Dyahadroy

Developing a Model of Holistic Environmental Education Including Teacher Training for Eco-Schools in Tamil Nadu
Anuviya Anbuselvam

Climate change 2023: Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6): Summary for Policymakers
Hoesung Lee, Katherine Calvin, Dipak Dasgupta, Gerhard Krinner, Aditi Mukherji, Peter Thorne, Christopher Trisos, José Romero, Paulina Aldunce, Ko Barrett, Gabriel Blanco, William W. L. Cheung, Sarah L. Connors, Fatima Denton, Aïda Diongue-Niang, David Dodman, Matthias Garschagen, Aromar Revi, Chandni Singh ... Panmao Zhai

Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6): Longer Report
Hoesung Lee, Katherine Calvin, Dipak Dasgupta, Gerhard Krinner, Aditi Mukherji, Peter Thorne, Christopher Trisos, José Romero, Paulina Aldunce, Ko Barrett, Gabriel Blanco, William W. L. Cheung, Sarah L. Connors, Fatima Denton, Aïda Diongue-Niang, David Dodman, Matthias Garschagen, Aromar Revi, Chandni Singh ... Panmao Zhai

Forest Management and the Impact on Water Resources: A Review of 13 Countries
Jagdish Krishnaswamy

Development of Water Classrooms for Middle School Students
Chhavi Mathur, Sara Ahmed, Aakriti Parashar, Darab Nagarwalla, Sanskriti Menon, Bhageerath Swaraj, Rifa Meddapil, Yash Karampuri, Manav Sivaram, Ritvee Talele, Sakshi Durge Radhika Mulay, Minket Lepcha, Sukrit Sen,Kalyani Thatte, Amit Tandon, Joy Merwin Monteiro, Aparna Joshi, Rijyuta Kaabaadee

Mapping Educational Innovations for Social and Ecological Justice
Shalini Ravikumar, Savitha Babu, Charumathi

Interrogating What Reproduces a Teacher: A Study of the Working Lives of Teachers in Birgaon, Raipur
Shreya Khemani, Jharna Sahu, Maya Yadav, Triveni Sahu

Benefits and Challenges of Using Dialogue-based Pedagogy for the Gender Education of Pre-service Teachers
Krupa Anilkumar

Empowering Women to Improve Awareness and Access to Tenure, Infrastructure and Finance in Informal Settlements : Learning Study of the Zamini Adhikar Abhiyaan
Rashee Mehra, Vineetha Nalla, Nidhi Sohane

Maximising the Benefits of India’s Urban Transformation: Local Evidence Synthesis Report
Amir Bazaz, Amogh Arakali, Aromar Revi, Gautam Bhan, Herry Gulabani, Krishnachandran Balakrishnan, Namrata Kapoor, Neha Sami, Nilanjan Bhor, Omkar Nadh Pattela, Prajna Ravindra Beleyur, Shriya Anand, Sudeshna Mitra, Tanvi Bhatikar, Vikas John, Juan Carlos Duque, Michael Keith, Susan Parnell, Andrew Tucker, Stuti Govil

The Water Cycle and the Economy
Quentin Grafton, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Aromar Revi

Education, Margins and City: Examining the Linkages Through an Ethnographic Exploration
Vijitha Rajan, Jyoti Dalal, Chetan Anand

Facing Caste: Engaging with the Privileged
Sujata Noronha, Beena Choksi

Voices from the Margins: Exploring Possibilities of Connecting Formal Education to the Funds of Knowledge owned by Adivasi Communities in the Kesla Block of Madhya Pradesh
Aisha Kawalkar, Himanshu Srivastava, Ruchi Shevade

‘There is a Bee in my Balcony’: A Guide to Growing Food Anywhere You Live Using Illustrated Narratives of Diverse Urban Farms
Deborah Dutta, Amrita Hazra

Looking Inward, Looking Forward: Articulating Alternatives to the Education System for Adivasis, by Adivasis
Chinmayi Jayakumar, Payain Gangadharan, Suganya Sankaran

Theatre and Art in Education for Young Women with a Focus on Theatre of the Oppressed Techniques and Embodied Therapeutic Practices
Arundathi Vishwanath

No Space for Some Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Gender Non-Binary Persons’ Access to Science Higher Education in India
Sayantan Datta, Debomita Mukherjee, Prajwal Gaikwad, Shreya Sridhar, Riya Parekh

Detailed Commissioning And O&M Manual For FSTPs In TN
Sasikumar Eswaramurthy, Rajesh Pai, Somya Sethuraman, Sakthi Balasubramani, Jega Loyal,
Abhilaasha Nagarajan, Susmita Sinha, Santhosh Ragavan, Kavita Wankhade

Rental Housing Arrangements for Domestic Workers: An Assessment of 103 Setups in Jaipur, Rajasthan
Kinjal Sampat, Nidhi Sohane

Pathways Towards Future-Ready Indian Cities: Summary of Discussions
Manish Dubey, Aromar Revi, Deepika Jha, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Kavita Wankhade, Amir Bazaz

Indian Municipal Finance: An Update
Mithlesh Verma, Amir Bazaz, Manish Dubey

Real Estate Regulation in India: Select State Profiles
Deepika Jha, Manish Dubey, Tsomo Wangchuk

Decarbonising Public Transport in India: An Issue Brief
Amir Bazaz, Manish Dubey, Satish Yawale, Ketaki Ghoge

The Summary for Urban Policymakers of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report
Aromar Revi, Debra Roberts, Ian Klaus, Amir Bazaz, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Chandni Singh, Amanda Eichel, Prathijna Poonacha Kodira, Seth Schultz, Ibidun Adelekan, Mustafa Babiker, Paolo Bertoldi, Anton Cartwright, Winston Chow, Sarah Colenbrander, Felix Creutzig, Richard Dawson, Heleen De Coninck, Kiane De Kleijne, Shobhakar Dhakal, Laura Gallardo, Matthias Garschagen, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Stuti Haldar, Rafiq Hamdi, Masahiro Hashizume, A.K.M. Saiful Islam, Kejun Jiang, Şiir Kılkış, Zbigniew Klimont, Maria Fernanda Lemos, Debbie Ley, Shuaib Lwasa, Timon McPhearson, Leila Niamir, Friederike Otto, Minal Pathak, Mark Pelling, Izidine Pinto, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Joana Portugal Pereira, Krishnan Raghavan, Joyashree Roy, Liliana Miranda Sara, Karen C. Seto, Nicholas P. Simpson, William Solecki, Shreya Some, Anna A. Sörensson, Linda Steg, Sophie Szopa, Adelle Thomas, Christopher Trisos, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz

Shared Science, Shared Future – SUP Action Agenda
Ian Klaus, Amanda Eichel, Debra Roberts, Seth Schultz, Aromar Revi

Employer Practices and Perceptions on Paid Domestic Work: Recruitment, Employment Relationships, and Social Protection
Gautam Bhan, Divya Ravindranath, Antara Rai Chowdhury, Rashee Mehra, Divij Sinha, Amruth Kiran, Teja Malladi

Deficits in Decent Work: Employer Perspectives and Practices on the Quality of Employment in Domestic Work in Urban India
Gautam Bhan, Divya Ravindranath, Antara Rai Chowdhury, Rashee Mehra, Divij Sinha, Amruth Kiran, Teja Malladi

Reproducing a Household: Recognising and Assessing Paid and Unpaid Domestic Work in Urban India
Gautam Bhan, Divya Ravindranath, Antara Rai Chowdhury, Rashee Mehra, Divij Sinha, Amruth Kiran, Teja Malladi

Findings from Innovate4Cities 2021 and Update to the Global Research and Action Agenda
Brenna Walsh, Julie Greenwalt, Cathy Oke, Paris Hadfield, Ariana Dickey, Marlies Craig, Michelle North, Nina Hunter, Andrew Okem, Steven Bland, Jorn Verbeeck, Bernhard Barth, Andy Deacon, Hedda Roberts, Jasdeep Randhawa, Sai Joshi, Diana Carrillo Silva, Margot Lootens, Meredith Adler, Aromar Revi et al.

Cities at the Intersection: Climate, Culture, and Migration
Florita Gunasekara, Maitreyi Koduganti Venkata, Chandni Singh

What the Latest Science on Climate Change Mitigation means for Cities and Urban Areas
Mustafa Babiker, Amir Bazaz, Paolo Bertoldi, Felix Creutzig, Heleen De Coninck, Kiane De Kleijne, Shobhakar Dhakal, Stuti Haldar, Kejun Jiang, Şiir Kılkış, Ian Klaus, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Shuaib Lwasa, Leila Niamir, Minal Pathak, Joana Portugal Pereira, Aromar Revi, Joyashree Roy, Karen Seto, Chandni Singh, Shreya Some, Linda Steg, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz

What the Latest Science on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Means for Cities and Urban Areas
Ibidun Adelekan, Anton Cartwright, Winston Chow, Sarah Colenbrander, Richard Dawson, Matthias Garschagen, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Masahiro Hashizume, Ian Klaus, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Maria Fernanda Lemos, Debbie Ley, Timon McPhearson, Mark Pelling, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Aromar Revi, Liliana Miranda Sara, Nicholas P. Simpson, Chandni Singh, William Solecki, Adelle Thomas, Christopher Trisos

What the Latest Physical Science of Climate Change Means for Cities and Urban Areas
Laura Gallardo, Rafiq Hamdi, A.K.M. Saiful Islam, Ian Klaus, Zbigniew Klimont, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Izidine Pinto, Friederike Otto, Krishnan Raghavan, Aromar Revi, Anna A. Sörensson, Sophie Szopa

Lessons for Social Protection from the COVID-19 Lockdowns Report 2 of 2: Non-State Actors
Gautam Bhan, Pooja DSouza, Harshal Gajjar, Neha Margosa, Rashee Mehra, Krishna Priya, Chimmiri Sai Rashmi

GAR 2022: Our World at Risk: Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future
Mami Mizutori, Kelvin Berryman, Melody Brown Burkins, Wadid Erian, Paolo Garonna, Molly Jahn, Aromar Revi et. al.
Academic Libraries
Capacity Development
City- survey
Climate Change
Cloud Computing
Data and Metrics
Economic Development
Environment and Climate
Human Development
Industrial Policy
Information Management
Instructional Design
Manufacturing Cities
Poverty and Inequality
Preprint Repositories
Risk Assessment
Scholarly Publishing
Urban Governance
Water and Sanitation
Web 3.0 Technologies