Training Needs Assessment for Urban Local Bodies: Fecal Sludge Management

IIHS  | November 2016


As part of the capacity building initiatives of TNUSSP, a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) of officers in the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of Tamil Nadu was conducted between April and June 2016, with an aim to identify the gaps in administrative, institutional, financial and human capacity of the ULBs with respect to implementation of Fecal Sludge Management (FSM). The study revealed that there was limited awareness and knowledge among the officers on fecal sludge treatment and re-use options at different levels within the ULBs. This exercise also showed that the roles and responsibilities of the staff, especially that of sanitary workers and inspectors, was not clear. This, along with, limited capacities and resources in the ULBs had resulted in poor regulations over regular cleaning of on-site sanitation systems