Integrating Planned Relocation in National Climate Action: Five Key Insights for Consideration by Governments and Policymakers

David Durand-Delacre, Carolyne Cherop, Kees van der Geest, Carolien Jacobs, Frank K Nansam-Aggrey, Danang A Nizar, Melanie Pill, Himanshu Shekhar, Ryan Alaniz, Erica Bower, Robin Bronen, Claudia Fry, Giovanna Gini, Abdul A Khan, Sarah Koeltzow, Ann-Christine Link, Friedrich N Neu, Kwame Owusu-Daaku, Annah Piggot-McKeller, Chandni Singh, Oana Stefancu, Sostina Takure, Cheikh Wade, Hanne Wiegel, Olivia Yates, Merewalesi Yee, Narjes Zivdar  | 2023


As climate impacts intensify and threaten the habitability of more and more places where people live and work, governments and regional organizations increasingly see the need to consider planned relocation as a policy option. Planned relocation processes in the context of climate change are challenging and poorly understood, with only limited guidance available for policymakers. This policy brief offers five key insights to inform governments and policymakers interested or already engaged in planned relocation processes as part of their climate action.