How do Urban Policies Actually Play out in our Cities?

Prasad Shetty | 2016


What happens after large-scale urban planning projects are implemented? This is a case study of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM), one of India’s largest and most ambitious urban development schemes, and how different aspects of how centrally funded projects get worked out in cities. The case will detail four JnNURM projects in Maharashtra through a series of nine notes. The notes are compiled as a montage of narratives put together through stories of four individuals – a finance-cum-project management consultant (for the urban infrastructure projects in a small town); a municipal official (for the housing project); a water consultant (for the water projects); and an e-governance consultant (for the e-governance projects). The narratives will be supplemented with official project-related documents, such as detailed project reports and tender documents, and photographs, allowing learners to contextualize each urban reform.